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Read through Bemin Secondary College's policies.

Aboriginal Learning, Wellbeing and Safety Action Plan

Our Aboriginal Learning, Wellbeing and Safety Action Plan is about empowering Koorie students through a culturally inclusive environment and tailored education.

Anaphylaxis Policy

Our Anaphylaxis Policy outlines procedures to support students at risk of anaphylaxis, ensuring compliance with Ministerial Order 706 and Department's guidelines for anaphylaxis management.

Assessment and Reporting Policy

Our Assessment and Reporting Policy is about promoting positive learning attitudes, communicating student achievements, and providing recommendations for future learning. It involves students, teachers, and parents in decision-making.

Asthma Policy

Our Asthma Policy ensures support for students with asthma through Asthma Action Plans, staff training, emergency response plans, and provision of Asthma Emergency Kits.

Attendance Policy

Our Attendance Policy ensures all children of compulsory school age are enrolled and attend school regularly, emphasising the importance of daily attendance for academic and social development.

Bullying Policy

Our Bullying Prevention Policy aims to ensure a safe, respectful learning environment by preventing and addressing all forms of bullying and harassment.

Camps and Excursions Policy

Our Camps and Excursions Policy outlines the procedures for planning and conducting student camps, excursions, and adventure activities, ensuring safety, inclusivity, and educational value.

Child Safety Code of Conduct

Our Child Safety Code of Conduct sets the expected behaviour of adults interacting with children, promoting child safety, and outlining procedures for reporting and managing child safety concerns.

Child Safety Responding & Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures

Our Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures is about outlining the steps for responding to child abuse complaints, ensuring staff understand their legal obligations, and promoting a safe environment for all students.

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy is about ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all students. It outlines our commitment to child safety, procedures for handling complaints, and strategies for promoting cultural safety and diversity.

Complaints Policy

Our Complaints Policy is about managing concerns and complaints in a timely, effective, fair, and respectful manner. It outlines the process for students, parents, carers, and community members to raise and resolve issues.

Curriculum and Student Learning Overview

Our Curriculum and Student Learning Overview outlines Bemin Secondary College's commitment to a comprehensive, inclusive, and structured curriculum focused on improving student outcomes, fostering innovation, and building community engagement across its junior and senior campuses.

DE Parent Payment Policy

The Department of Education (DE) Parent Payments Policy outlines the ways in which schools can request financial contributions from parents and ensures that parent payment practices in Victorian government schools are consistent, transparent and that all students have access to the Curriculum.

Digital Learning Policy

Our Digital Learning Policy is about promoting safe, responsible, and discerning use of digital technologies to enhance learning. It outlines the expectations for student behaviour, the school's commitment to digital safety, and the procedures for responding to inappropriate behaviour online.

Duty of Care Policy

Our Duty of Care Policy explains the school's legal obligation to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of foreseeable harm, including personal injury or damage to property. It outlines various school policies and procedures to manage common risks in the school environment.

Emergency Management Policy - Everton Campus

Our Emergency Management Policy ensures the safety of students, staff, and visitors during emergencies, and provides guidelines for trauma support and emergency drills.

Emergency Management Policy - Morris Road Campus

Our Emergency Management Policy ensures the safety of students, staff, and visitors during emergencies, and provides guidelines for trauma support and emergency drills.

First Aid Policy

Our First Aid Policy outlines the school's approach to providing first aid to students, ensuring their safety and well-being during school hours and activities.

Health Care Needs Policy

Our Health Care Needs Policy ensures appropriate support for students with health care needs through individualised Student Health Support Plans, staff training, and effective communication.

Inclusion and Diversity Policy

Our Inclusion and Diversity Policy is about ensuring respect, dignity, and equal opportunity for all members of our community, irrespective of their personal attributes.

Medication Administration Policy

Our Administration of Medication Policy outlines the procedures for managing the provision of medication to students during school hours or activities, ensuring safety and compliance with health guidelines.

Mobile Phone Policy

Our Mobile Phones Policy regulates student use of mobile phones during school hours, ensuring they are switched off and securely stored, except for granted exceptions.

Senior School Promotions Policy

Our Senior School Promotions Policy at Bemin Secondary College outlines the requirements and guidelines for promoting students through their senior years, ensuring they are placed in appropriate pathways to maximise their success based on individual progress and educational interests.

Student Dress Code Policy

Our Student Dress Code Policy outlines the dress code for students, promoting equality, pride, and identification with Bemin Secondary College.

Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy

Our Student Wellbeing Engagement Policy is about ensuring a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment for all students, promoting positive behaviour, and providing necessary support for students and families.

Values and School Philosophy Statement

Our Statement of Values and School Philosophy outlines our commitment to a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment, promoting democratic principles and behavioural expectations.

Visitors Policy

Our Visitor Policy aims to ensure a safe and secure learning environment by monitoring and managing visitors, including parents, contractors, and external exam supervisors, during school hours. It outlines sign-in procedures, conduct expectations, and clearance requirements.

Volunteers Policy

Our Volunteers Policy outlines the recruitment, screening, supervision, and management processes for volunteers to ensure a child-safe environment and clarify volunteers' legal rights.

Working With Children Check (WWCC) Register Procedure

Our Working With Children Check (WWCC) Register Procedure outlines the process that the school follows to register and maintain all staff and visitor records relating to the WWCC.

Yard Duty and Supervision Policy

Our Yard Duty and Supervision Policy ensures staff understand their responsibilities for student supervision during school hours, before and after school, and on school excursions and camps.

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